Three best friends sharing their joys and struggles with mommy-hood, food, and fitness.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

3 Ways to Use Fold Over Elastic

This weekend I am going to a baby shower, and I always try to give gifts that new mom's might not think of, like baby Tylenol, nursing pads, saline, you know the stuff that is needed but you forget about it until you REALLY need it.  I also like to give something fun as well, and fold over elastic (FOE) can make the best little headbands for baby and hair-ties for mom, and they're super easy and affordable!

What you need:
  • FOE (fold over elastic)
  • scissors
  • lighter
  • hot glue gun
I use FOE with a width of 5/8 but you can use 3/8 or whatever you find! FOE can be found on etsy, craft stores, or several different websites.  Prices can vary greatly, I noticed at my local craft store that it costs $1.99 for one pre-cut yard, and my favorite website it's only $0.30 per yard and you choose how many yards you want.
Here are a few websites where I've found some cheap prices for FOE, they both have different colors and patterns to choose from so just browse and pick your favorites! -PamperedPrincessPretties -SunshineShoppeSupply -ElasticByTheYard
Ok, let's get started!

Option 1:
  • Cut your FOE to 11 inches
  • Fold in half with the shiny side of the elastic facing out
  • Tie a knot at the end leaving about half an inch sticking out the end
  • Use a lighter to finish the edges by holding the lighter still and running the elastic through the flame quickly one or two times

 Option 2:

There are different measurements for headbands based on age, but I make mine 14 inches.  The great thing about FOE is that it stretches comfortably and will fit my two month old, or my almost 3 year old (I should try it to see if it fits me or not).  Here are different headband lengths if you'd like to follow by age: Newborn ~ 12"      0-6 months~ 13"     6-12 months~14"     12-18 months ~15"      18-24 months ~16"

  • Cut two pieces of FOE, one at 14 inches and one at 1 3/4 inches
  • Use a lighter to finish the edges of all pieces by holding the lighter still and running the elastic through the flame quickly one or two times 
  •  Make a big loop with your 14" piece with the shiny side of the elastic facing out and glue it together
  • Take your 1.75" piece and glue it to the back side of the headband where the seam is
  • Loop the piece around the headband and glue the end of it down, making sure it's on the back of the headband
  • Now you can clip any flower or bow to the loop!

Option 3:

  • Cut three pieces of FOE, one at 14 inches, one at 4 inches, and one at 1 3/4 inches
  • Use a lighter to finish the edges of all pieces by holding the lighter still and running the elastic through the flame quickly one or two times 
  •  Make a big loop with your 14" piece with the shiny side of the elastic facing out and glue it together
  • Create a second loop with the 4" piece
  • Glue the seams of small loop to the outside seam of big loop
  • Take your 1.75" piece and glue it to the back side of the headband where the seam is
  • Loop the piece around the headband and glue the end of it down, making sure it's on the back of the headband

I was able to make all three of these in about 5 minutes!  Super fun and easy!  I have plenty of elastic left to make so many more for baby shower gifts and my own girls.  My kids are going to look adorable!

I hope you have fun making your own accessories using fold over elastic!


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